Leeteuk berarti spesial.Sebagai seorang leader grup, figurnya sangat dipercaya dan dipatuhi semua member. Orangnya mudah terhary dan menitikkan air mata. Menurutnya tidak ada hal yang lebih penting dibandingkan dengan melindungi Super Junior. Dalam setiap kata yang diucapkannya, mengandung perhatian dan kasih sayang pada semua member. Dia selalu tampil didepan untuk membela grupnya. Dengan sorot mata yang taham dan tegas memperlihatkan kemampuan dirinya yang besar. Dia juga dikenal mempunyai kepribadian yang ceria dan lucu.
Nama asli : Park Jung Soo (Park Jungsu)
Nama panggung : Leeteuk (official)
panggilan : eeteuk , teukie, angel, Peter Pan, Angelteuk, without wings, umma (mama)
tempat, tanggal lahir : Seoul, 1 Juli 1983
Nama panggung : Leeteuk (official)
panggilan : eeteuk , teukie, angel, Peter Pan, Angelteuk, without wings, umma (mama)
tempat, tanggal lahir : Seoul, 1 Juli 1983
Berat Badan : 59 kg
tinggi badan : 179cm
Agama : Christian
Blood Type : A
hobby : Piano, composing music, listening to music, singing, going online
Asal : Korea Selatan
Blood Type : A
hobby : Piano, composing music, listening to music, singing, going online
Asal : Korea Selatan
Aliran Musik : K-pop, trot
Jenis Suara : Tenor
Profesi : Aktor, Penyanyi, Penari, DJ, television host, Presenter, Model
Alat Musik : Piano, gitar
Grup : Super Junior, Super Junior-T, Super Junior Happy
Casting : Starlight Casting System 2000
First Appearance:
2000 MBC "All About Eve", 2005 DBSK Showcase MC, 2005 MnetMCountdown MC, 2006 더위사냥 Ice Bar CF, 2006 KBS Kiss the Radio DJ, 2007 Super Junior-T
Trivia: Is the leader and the oldest of Super Junior. He was the first member of Super Junior that was accepted into SM Entertainment.
His name change from Park Jungsu to a stage name was explained on "Happy Together Friends" - he wanted a name like Kangta, Hyesung or Junjin, thus he decided to change his name to Leeteuk (or Eeteuk), which means "special", because he is a "special guy". Rumours had it that Park Jungsu had a crush on Jang Nara for three years, but it was proven to be fake. He has MCed for M!Countdown with Kangin and Shindong. Said to be the member with the most interest in the opposite sex. Leeteuk got lasik (laser eye surgery), now he wears lensless glasses for fashion.
2000 MBC "All About Eve", 2005 DBSK Showcase MC, 2005 MnetMCountdown MC, 2006 더위사냥 Ice Bar CF, 2006 KBS Kiss the Radio DJ, 2007 Super Junior-T
Trivia: Is the leader and the oldest of Super Junior. He was the first member of Super Junior that was accepted into SM Entertainment.
His name change from Park Jungsu to a stage name was explained on "Happy Together Friends" - he wanted a name like Kangta, Hyesung or Junjin, thus he decided to change his name to Leeteuk (or Eeteuk), which means "special", because he is a "special guy". Rumours had it that Park Jungsu had a crush on Jang Nara for three years, but it was proven to be fake. He has MCed for M!Countdown with Kangin and Shindong. Said to be the member with the most interest in the opposite sex. Leeteuk got lasik (laser eye surgery), now he wears lensless glasses for fashion.

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